Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Weekly response # 1

Book: Me and the Blondes
Author: Teresa Toten
Pages: 10
Dear Ms Mclauchlan,
Within the first ten pages I read I was a bit confused figuring out the main character, Sophie. She's clearly a strong, intimidating and humble girl, yet she's got her mind set on being popular at this new school, which I don't understand. Why does she care about that?
I didn't understand why she was so concerned about her social status when I read the first few pages, then around the end of the chapter she talked about her old schools, and how her dad went to prison for murder, and being known as the murderers daughter. So I understood why she wanted to be liked, and start over.
So far She's made it very clear she doesn't want anyone to find out about her dad, her and her mom killed him off so that Sophie can feel normal.

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