Monday, 25 February 2013

Reading response
Book: Me and the Blondes
Author: Teresa Toten
Pages: 10- finish
I've been reading this book on my own a lot and it's so short, it was easy to finish. Except the entire time I was reading it, Sophie, the main character would always throw me off with her constant changing opinions of people. One minute she'd be talking about how pretty and cool one or "the blondes" are, then the next they're an air head. I think she just wanted to convince herself they were all fake. Throughout her friendship with blondes she would always bring up how she was only using them as a shield so she would be liked, but I kept forgetting because it definitely seemed like she did like them.
Sophie surprised me a lot, I thought it was kinda gross when she went for a "practice boy", so that she could be more experienced for her crush, Luke. Especially since she went for such a gross guy, I don't really understand! The one thing that got me so annoyed is the author never said whether he got with Luke or not. I mean that's the main thing I was looking forward to, really disappointing. Although I guess in the end everything worked out so it kinda helped.

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