Monday, 4 March 2013

Reading response # 3

Book: burnout
Author: Adrienne Maria vrettos
Pages: 80
So far in my book I've figured out a lot about the main character, Nan. She's obviously into drugs and seems really socially awkward and out there. She definitely doesn't have many friends which it think is why she relies on her best friend, Seemy so much ( no idea why she likes to be called that), except Seemy is looking pretty controlling and I think later on in the book she'll do something really messed up to Nan, just a thought.
So far nan doesn't really seem like she cares what people think - considering she was walking down the street with black and white face makeup, with no shoes and all her hair cut off. I would cry is be so embarrassed. She didn't even seem too concerned that her hair was cut off in the first place. Her life seems like a bit of a mess but I'm hoping it gets better later on, so it's not so painful to read!

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