Monday, 11 March 2013

Reading response # 4

Book: burnout
Author: Adrienne Maria Vrettos
Pages: 80-159
So far Nan just seems kind of obnoxious, she gets so worked up about the smallest things. Like tourists, and since she lives in New York she sees a lot of them, which is understandable. I could see myself getting annoyed too, but I don't understand when she says people aren't "true New Yorkers" I mean you're only fourteen you definitely don't know everything there is to know about New York.
And when she finally gets sober, she goes off with her friend, Seemy again (and it's pretty clear she only ever drank to impress her) and she goes and can't remember anything. So far I can tell some weird stuff happened that night, and they definitely didn't want to be there! I'm really excited to find out what happens though, and if Seemy is okay.

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