Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Six Word Memoir # 3

My third memoir, is my two cats. Oliver, the orange one and smokey the cute fat one. They both always seem to be looking out any window at some point in the day, and when it's nice out they love being outside. Smokey's mine and Oliver is my sisters. All my friends will definitely laugh at me choosing my cats, because i'm so obsessed with them! Even though they're annoying and destroy everything i own, i could never get rid of either one, especially Smokey; he's my little baby. I didn't add any filter, because I didn't think any looked right and i took this on my computer anyways, so i think it just looks funny editing a picture from your webcam. And the font is "Shadows into Light", which i only picked because I thought it was funny they were looking out at the light, just made sense to me! Photo credit: Alex Wright


  1. I could not think of a better memoir for you Alex! But why did you pick this picture of your cats? You have so many pictures of them!

  2. because they're adorable and perfect! <3 btw who r u.
