Monday, 18 March 2013

Weekly reflection #4

My six word memoir project was fairly easy for the most part, I had several issues with my computer, and not being able to email my pictures to myself. Technology hates me, nothing new! I still have a few on my computer at home that won't upload no matter what I do! (Whoopsies) So there was a few problems for me, but the ones I put up I was really proud of. I think they turned out well and I think I did a good job explaining each of them, as best as I could.
I was actually surprised how many problems I had though, I guess I didn't think that all my technology would turn in me that week. Although I did really enjoy choosing the pictures, because it was rally easy and I have so many pictures on my computer to choose from since my mom moved pretty much every photo we own onto it. I realized that writing isn't so hard, I usually get a million ideas and I just don't know how to put them into words, but I think I'm getting a little better.. Hopefully! So far I really enjoy it.

"Blogging Fieldtrip"
I left comments on a few blogs, kaitlyns Taylor's are two of them. Before we moved on and I left a comment on one of the first and second graders posts. I mainly stuck to my friends posts because I wasn't too sure what to write on anyone else's, and I just wanted to practice a little. I think a good comment would be complimenting them and not criticizing, being friendly and try to be creative maybe. A bad comment would probably be saying a rude comment and telling them to fix a bunch of stuff ( in a rude way, that doesn't help at all).
It's really beneficial to have people commenting on your blog, because it gives them a chance to ask something that maybe your post didn't tell them, and it lets you be friendly with just about anyone! For other people you could be helping them improve their skills or complimenting their posts and encouraging to post more often.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Six Word Memoir # 4

For my fourth memoir I chose one of my favourite (and probably most posted picture) of me when i was a baby, with my dad, my grandpa and our old dogs butt,-whose name i really can't spell. It's such a classic picture to me, the dogs butt, my dad in his spot on the couch, my grandpa looking awkward, and me being a little ginger! I chose this picture because, we went through a lot of life changing events and after everything we all managed to just start fresh, and still be happy together. Instead of giving up we all stuck together, even though we weren't always happy for a while. I chose the dusk filter, because i liked the grainy look it gave the picture. And i picked the font "playball" because I just think it really fit with the picture as a whole. Photo credit: Cathy Captain

Six Word Memoir # 3

My third memoir, is my two cats. Oliver, the orange one and smokey the cute fat one. They both always seem to be looking out any window at some point in the day, and when it's nice out they love being outside. Smokey's mine and Oliver is my sisters. All my friends will definitely laugh at me choosing my cats, because i'm so obsessed with them! Even though they're annoying and destroy everything i own, i could never get rid of either one, especially Smokey; he's my little baby. I didn't add any filter, because I didn't think any looked right and i took this on my computer anyways, so i think it just looks funny editing a picture from your webcam. And the font is "Shadows into Light", which i only picked because I thought it was funny they were looking out at the light, just made sense to me! Photo credit: Alex Wright

Six Word Memoir # 2

My second six word memoir is a picture of my cabin (during the winter, obviously), I go there every summer since i was a baby, it's so nice to get away from the city and stay with my family for even a couple weeks, and when i look back it's where i've had the most amazing memories. And who doesn't love going to their cabin? I only added "film grain" because i thought it gave it an older look, which goes perfectly with this picture. Since my cabin is so old. The font i chose is "sacramento", i think it's really cute and again, goes perfectly with my cabin! Photo Credit: Jamie Captain

six word memoir #1

For my first six word memoir i chose a very old picture of my mom and her brother on vacation when they were kids. I really love the quality of old pictures and my mom definitely has a lot! I picked this picture for my quote, "family's the only thing that matters" because my mom is such an amazing person and does so much for me. I thought it made sense picking a picture of her when she was a kid, because she's always been really family orientated all her life, so i wanted to show her when she was young and a lot closer with her family, because mostly all younger kids are. especially since it was so long ago, i feel like families were so much closer. Photo Credit: Tom Captain

Monday, 11 March 2013

Reading response # 4

Book: burnout
Author: Adrienne Maria Vrettos
Pages: 80-159
So far Nan just seems kind of obnoxious, she gets so worked up about the smallest things. Like tourists, and since she lives in New York she sees a lot of them, which is understandable. I could see myself getting annoyed too, but I don't understand when she says people aren't "true New Yorkers" I mean you're only fourteen you definitely don't know everything there is to know about New York.
And when she finally gets sober, she goes off with her friend, Seemy again (and it's pretty clear she only ever drank to impress her) and she goes and can't remember anything. So far I can tell some weird stuff happened that night, and they definitely didn't want to be there! I'm really excited to find out what happens though, and if Seemy is okay.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Post secret

I actually think this picture says so much and was really touching. I can relate to it a hundred percent, because I know if reincarnation IS real, id be beyond jealous of whoever got lucky enough to get my dad. It really makes you more grateful of what you've got, cause someone could be dying for it.

Digital footprint

My main apps I use on my phone are twitter, tumblr, Instagram, wanelo, sims, and I've included my last ten texts since most of the time I'm texting someone.

Reading response # 3

Book: burnout
Author: Adrienne Maria vrettos
Pages: 80
So far in my book I've figured out a lot about the main character, Nan. She's obviously into drugs and seems really socially awkward and out there. She definitely doesn't have many friends which it think is why she relies on her best friend, Seemy so much ( no idea why she likes to be called that), except Seemy is looking pretty controlling and I think later on in the book she'll do something really messed up to Nan, just a thought.
So far nan doesn't really seem like she cares what people think - considering she was walking down the street with black and white face makeup, with no shoes and all her hair cut off. I would cry is be so embarrassed. She didn't even seem too concerned that her hair was cut off in the first place. Her life seems like a bit of a mess but I'm hoping it gets better later on, so it's not so painful to read!